P&NonP – 20 – Positions of Prime Factor Patterns in Odd-Composites pg1
Gap pattern 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, exists independently between prime-factors of the Odd-Composite Subset. Is it stable and repeating?
Gap pattern 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, exists independently between prime-factors of the Odd-Composite Subset. Is it stable and repeating?
One wonders if it is actually the concept of this Set of numbers, whose complementarity is the key to prime unpredictability and not the prime series itself.
Author – Andrew J Frost 05/05/2021 PnonP Complementarity of Contained Sets The new spreadsheets are created as follows: - They are in my Mediafire account - link provided below: -…
Author – Andrew J Frost 05/05/2021 PnonP Still working on this - currently am creating a spreadsheet with 1.2 million Rows in LibreOffice Calc - as this program cannot handle…
the numbers are complementary to Series of Non-Prime Odd-Composite (NPOC>7) numbers with Prime-Factors greater than 7
he fact that one Set of numbers (odd-composites as defined) - is exactly complimentary to another Set (prime numbers), I find more than fascinating.
Briefly here, one of the reasons that I have looked into this area of mathematical analysis is that I believe the patterns developed here are evidence of deeper “layers” of pattern information. These deeper layers of relationship information in primes and non-primes are what we don't understand - yet. This deeper information is not necessarily “fixed” and exists in a state of “complementarity”. This state of complementarity I believe allows for a more flexible, intuitive and imaginative interpretation from the broad picture of the results obtained.